Standard operational features of software as follows..
Multi tasking
Since it is under windows platform it goes without saying that it allows multi Modular screens / report accessibility at same time.
Keyboard Control
For speed and efficiency in data entry Enter and Esc key can be used to move forward and backward across the fields and for exiting the module.
User defined Menus
Rights and access for related departments and module can be assigned and controlled on user to user basis. Entry / Viewing / Altering / Deleting rights can also be set separately on user to user and module to module basis.
History Logs
All transactions Entry / Altered / Deleted history can be maintained on user /date and time of entry done
Maker Checker : Maker Checker mechanism for all master / transaction entries
Report Features
Enlarging font size / Exporting the report to Word / Excel / Pdt formats / Diverting to any printer / Direct emailing etc
Auto Downloads
All upgrades and new version of software is auto downloadable from our server thru the software itself.
Use Anywhere
Any time Upgrade to Web Platform for access from Multiple Godowns /Branches / Sales division.
Web Access
Available WEB Version of all products. To access Data over a network such as the Internet or an intranet.
Customization is possible as per your requirements.
Other General Features
- E-mail any report by Single Click.
- Mobile /PDA Reporting through SMS/WAP etc.
- Ability to convert on Web Platform at any time with Data Safety.
- Backup tool with power to take online backup on WEB FTP Server or a Remote Location.
- Internal Chatting through Software to avoid communication Gap
- Online Chatting with our support team through software
- Powerful and Secure Multi Screen View option to open multiple entry module and multiple reports on single Screen
- Zooming Backward from Balance Sheet to trial balance to ledger to voucher entry
- Giving Reminders for legal compliances by pop ups and message alerts before the due dates
- Powerful Reporting with advance feature like bookmark Tree view page Zoom, Custom Page Setup Export or email to any one On Single Click in any known Formats Like (PDF,DOC,XLS,RTF,HTML) Page Navigation Text Search